Hi, and welcome 👋

I’m Morgan, and I love translating complex technology into beautiful user experiences. Since launching my design career in 2018, I’ve continued to pursue roles, projects, and courses that offer a challenging opportunity to grow my skills and hone my design craft. I’m lucky to have worked across a variety of industries and and products, from enterprise software to iOS apps.

I love designing for data-rich products that allow me to dive deep into technical requirements and user flows, and require close collaboration with product and engineering. If I can nerd out with a team who’s just as excited as I am to build something, I’m content 😊

design principles

design principles ⌁

  • Passion for the craft

    As a highly detail-oriented designer I take pride in focusing on every aspect of a design, down to the smallest interactions. But detail-oriented doesn’t mean near-sighted. My systems-thinking mindset allows me to dive into product strategy and occasionally wear a PM hat. ☺︎

  • It's all about the user

    I design best when I can connect with users through discovery, research, and feedback. I prioritize deeply understanding their motivations and pain points. Nothing is more energizing or rewarding than creating or improving designs right after hearing directly from the users.

  • The greater good

    I thrive in diverse teams united by a shared goal, where our individual strengths come together to create a well-rounded and supportive group. In addition to design, I enjoy contributing to design systems, teaching, writing documentation, & creating or enhancing workflows and processes.

I’m also a person ☺︎

When I’m not designing, I like watching horror movies with friends, wheel pottery, hiking & running, film photography, playing with my dogs, Doug and Margot, and traveling the world with my husband, Mac.